Muir Wood therapist, David Laing

The Important Role of a Sober Escort

A sober escort facilitates safe transition between home and treatment environments. A teenager’s journey from addiction to recovery presents a lot of obstacles. Some of the greatest hurdles arise on the path to or from treatment. At these transitional times, unsupervised teens have the time and opportunity to fall back into their destructive habits. Even […]

Selecting a Family Mediator

When you prepare to stage an intervention for your substance-abusing teen to make it clear that the last line in the sand has been crossed and it’s now time to begin the work of serious addiction treatment, you will be most effective in your efforts when you choose a family mediator. Why? A family mediator […]

Intervention Models of Approach Used on Teen Addicts

According to an article produced by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Almost 1.4 million adolescents met the criteria for a diagnosis of alcohol abuse or alcohol dependence in 2002, and of these young people, fewer than 230,000 got care for that problem. It’s possible that some of these young people didn’t get […]