Burke Baldwin offers group therapy to Muir Wood Teens

We Measure Treatment Outcomes

Muir Wood Adolescent and Family Services strives for the best treatment outcomes for each client and family it serves. Because every teen we treat has different needs, Muir Wood psychiatrists, nurses, clinicians, care coordinators, teachers, and other staff work toward positive individual outcomes by delivering excellent treatment that yields the best results in the time we have with our clients. 

Muir Wood uses sophisticated outcome measurement tools that meet or exceed Joint Commission standards to ensure that our treatment produces positive outcomes for clients and achieves a high level of parent and guardian satisfaction with the Muir Wood treatment experience. 

The outcome measures shown below use Muir Wood client data collected and analyzed by Trac9 Informatics, a behavioral healthcare outcome measurement company whose mission is “…to provide gold-standard assessments and custom predictive analytics to improve the efficacy of treatment.” Trac 9 assists with Joint Commission accreditation requirements under standard CTS.03.01.09 and CARF requirements under the 2018 Behavioral Health Standards – Section M.2, M.4-5. In addition, family satisfaction information uses data supplied by Muir Wood client parent and guardian post-treatment surveys.

Outcome Measures

Overall Treatment Effectiveness

Client-reported data collected by Trac9 shows that Muir Wood treatment results in better outcomes compared to the national average of treatment providers. Significant differences can be seen in numerous measures that suggest clients are better able to manage their conditions, feel better about themselves, and are experiencing less severe symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress than before receiving treatment. This outcomes data represents reporting after four weeks of treatment at Muir Wood.


Muir Wood Clients demonstrate better global recovery than the national average

Muir Wood Clients demonstrate better global recovery than the national average


Muir Wood Clients demonstrate more resilience than the national average

Muir Wood Clients demonstrate more resilience than the national average


Muir Wood Clients demonstrate lower pathology than the national average

Muir Wood Clients demonstrate lower pathology than the national average


Muir Wood Clients demonstrate higher satisfaction than the national average

Muir Wood Clients demonstrate higher satisfaction than the national average


Muir Wood Clients are more grateful than the national average

Muir Wood Clients are more grateful than the national average


Muir Wood Clients demonstrate more hope than the national average

Muir Wood Clients demonstrate more hope than the national average


Muir Wood Clients are more optimistic than the national average

Muir Wood Clients are more optimistic than the national average

Life Satisfaction

Muir Wood Clients are more satisfied with their lives than the national average

Muir Wood Clients are more satisfied with their lives than the national average


Muir Wood Clients are less depressed than the national average

Muir Wood Clients are less depressed than the national average


Muir Wood Clients are less stressed than the national average

Muir Wood Clients are less stressed than the national average

Symptom Reduction Primary Diagnosis

Muir Wood Clients demonstrate better treatment response than the national average

Muir Wood Clients demonstrate better treatment response than the national average

Symptom Reduction Secondary Diagnosis

Muir Wood Clients demonstrate better treatment response than the national average

Muir Wood Clients demonstrate better treatment response than the national average

Parent or Guardian Impressions of the Muir Wood Program

Parents and guardians of Muir Wood Adolescent and Family Services clients reported extremely high satisfaction rates with Muir Wood’s ability to provide helpful information about their child’s conditions, the treatment services, staff members, psychiatric care quality, attentiveness, and team member courtesy and compassion.

parents reported significant positive changes

Parent or Guardian Impressions of child following treatment: After receiving treatment at Muir Wood parents and guardians overwhelmingly reported significant positive changes in their child’s mental and emotional health and well-being.

parents reported significant positive changes