Muir Wood therapist, David Laing

Benefits of Extended Care (90 Days)

Recovery from addiction is a gradual process, even for the most active, energetic teens. In the past, 30-day treatment programs were the gold standard for rehab, but more recent clinical research has shown that 90-day extended care programs are more effective. Teens who stay in rehab for longer periods have time to acquire coping skills, […]

When Drug Abuse Becomes Addiction

Adolescence is known as a time of risk-taking and experimentation, and many of these youthful experimentations involve drugs. A lot of teens will try drugs once or twice without ever getting hooked. Some will go on to abuse drugs for a limited period of time, while others will become chemically dependent or addicted. How can […]

The Most Common Drugs Teen Boys Become Addicted To

Protecting a child means scanning the environment, looking for dangers and removing them when possible. That’s why parents of toddlers cover electrical outlets, place bumpers around sharp furniture and gate off stairwell entrances. These steps can keep children away from the dangers contained in the home, but as these youngsters grow, they might be exposed […]

STDs and Teen Drug Use

Addiction isn’t the only dangerous side effect of teen drug use. Study after study shows that teenagers who abuse drugs and alcohol have a higher risk of acquiring an STD, or a sexually transmitted disease. For instance, the results of a survey published in Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research showed a higher-than-average rate of alcohol […]

Signs and Symptoms of Substance Abuse

In a busy, high-stress world, parents can’t always be alert to the warning signs of substance abuse. It’s practically impossible to monitor a teenager’s behavior 24 hours a day, and socially active teens may spend much of their time away from home. By educating yourself on the signs and symptoms of drug or alcohol use, […]

Popular Drug Combinations Among Teenagers

Being a teenager can be a confusing and testing time for young men. Many a budding future has come crashing down because of bad choices and poor judgment. While the problems used to be girls, cartoons, or video games, teenage boys today face graver and far more serious threats. The danger goes even beyond simple drug […]

Legal Drugs Teens Abuse to Get High

Did you know that your child doesn’t have to hang out in dark alleys or associate with the “wrong crowd” to abuse drugs? According to the Monitoring the Future survey, the most recent information suggests that more than 20 percent of high school seniors admit to abusing prescription drugs over the course of their lifetimes, […]

How to Identify Drugs

From time to time, every parent on the planet is asked to play the role of detective. Teens can be secretive, and they’re adept at hiding information they know might land them in hot water with the family. Breaking through this wall of deception can be difficult, and sometimes, it means looking for clues that […]

Health Risks of Substance Abuse

Talking with your teenage boy about the health risks of substance abuse may feel like a losing battle. The average teenager is healthy, strong, and ready to face any danger, including the risks of accidental injury, chronic disease or premature death. Although it might be hard to convince your son to take the health risks […]

Drug Street Slang Your Teenager May Use

Every generation of parents feels that their teens are speaking a foreign language. While it’s not always necessary to understand the cryptic terms that your teenagers use in their texts, phone calls or emails, you should be aware of some common street slang for drugs or alcohol. Understanding this aspect of your son’s communications may […]

Dangers of a Drug Overdose

Presumably, people who take in drugs do so because they like the effects the drugs can bring about. They might enjoy the calming, soothing effects of alcohol, for example, or they might enjoy the energy boost that a snort of cocaine can deliver. Some people even take drugs because they dislike the way they feel […]

Who Is at Risk for Drug Addiction?

No teenager is immune to the risk of drug addiction. Substance abuse affects young people from all demographic groups, regardless of their socioeconomic status, gender or ethnicity. However, there are a number of important factors that make certain teenagers more vulnerable to drug abuse than others. Understanding these risk factors can help you identify the […]

Teen Drug Addiction Statistics

Studying the statistics on teen drug addiction can be overwhelming for parents. The scope of Monitoring the Future Survey, a nationwide research project that tracks substance abuse among teens, reports that binge drinking has declined considerably among teens since 1980. In that year, 41 percent of high school seniors reported binge drinking; by 2010, that […]

FAQ on Teen Drug Addiction

Whether or not you suspect that your teenager has a drug problem, you probably have questions about how the disease of addiction affects teens. Adolescence is an extremely vulnerable time in a young person’s life. Inexperienced teens can become chemically dependent or addicted to drugs or alcohol before they even realize that they’re in danger. […]

Drug Testing Is Out, and Clear Boundaries and Respect Are In

Over the past couple years, there has been much debate about mandatory drug testing among adolescents and teens in public schools. Some have attempted to require that all would-be athletes be tested for drugs prior to trying out for different teams while others have implemented random drug testing for all students. Many parents have rebelled, […]

Can Your Son’s Texts Clue You in to Drug Abuse?

A recent study explored teenagers and their use of texting as well as how those texts can help parents identify problematic issues like drug and alcohol abuse. The study, published in the Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, found that teens who texted their friends about things like drug use or fighting were more likely to […]

Report Examines Substance Abuse Among Adolescents

Every year, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration releases an updated report to identify the substance abuse issues that are most common among teens and young adults. Called the CBHSQ Report, different issues pertaining to drug and alcohol use among adolescents are explored, including: First use of drugs and alcohol Whether or not […]

Don’t Keep Your Son’s Drug Issues a Secret

Only families who have been struck by addiction can understand the many and varied struggles that are faced every day. When it occurs, one of those struggles is internal—shame due to a child’s addiction—but it can have a deep impact on the family’s ability to effectively help their loved one heal from the disorder. Some […]

Synthetic Drug Abuse Reaches Crisis Point, Says EU

The European Union is experiencing a slowdown in the distribution and use of plant-derived drugs like marijuana and cocaine. While this may seem like good news, according to the EU’s Center for Drugs and Drug addiction, this decline is due to the growing popularity of chemically engineered, synthetic drugs and not a decreased rate of […]

Drug Testing in Junior High: Too Soon?

The drug testing of junior high students before they are allowed to play organized school sports is a new phenomenon in some parts of the country. Some parents welcome it while others are furious at what they perceive to be an intrusion upon their child’s civil rights. Who’s right? The Argument for Drug Testing in […]

Stimulant Drug Abuse and the Great Grade Chase

For preteens and teens diagnosed with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), it’s common to get a doctor’s prescription for a stimulant medication like Vyvanse or Adderall. Increasingly common among teens who are not diagnosed with ADHD is a request for these and other stimulant medications for the purposes of neuroenhancement, according to American Medical […]

Will College Increase Substance Abuse Risks?

Many parents are concerned about the risks they feel are inherent to sending their child to college. Will the liberal environment and lack of supervision encourage drug or alcohol abuse? Binge drinking is a clear problem among college-aged children, but is sending your son off to school a guarantee that he will indulge in this […]

Teens Struggle With Mental Health & Substance Use

It’s not uncommon for teens who struggle with mental health symptoms to also be diagnosed with a drug and/or alcohol abuse issue. In fact, a study published in the British Medical Journal Open reports that about 10 percent of teens in mental health treatment smoke cigarettes, use marijuana, or drink alcohol. The older they grow, […]

Teen Drug Abuse Prevention Efforts on the Decline

In 2002, more than 83 percent of teenagers reported seeing drug and alcohol abuse prevention messages from media sources. But the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) reports that by 2011 that number had dropped to about 75 percent. In the same way, the anti-drug message received by teens at school reached more […]