Muir Wood therapist, David Laing

19 Risky Teen Behaviors with Warning Signs and Questions to Ask Your Teen

In a 2021 CDC study, 2 out of 5 teens reported emotional distress during the year. Many of these teens turn to high-risk behaviors to cope, such as substance use, violence, or unprotected sex. These can lead to poor health outcomes and further exacerbate their emotional distress. It’s normal to feel concerned by troubling teen […]

Why Do Teens Engage in Self-Harm? The Underlying Mental Health Issues Explained

Self-harm behaviors can be painful to witness and difficult to understand. Why do teens self-harm? It’s generally because they’re in emotional pain—teens use self-harm as a coping mechanism for overwhelming feelings. If your teen has turned to self-harm as a way to cope with their pain, we’re here to offer hope and healing. Your thoughtful […]

Gender Identity & Dysphoria in Teens

Gender dysphoria in teens has become a hotly charged topic in recent years, with no apparent sign of simmering in urgency anytime soon.  In fact, Republican legislators have begun to criminalize medical health professionals for administering certain types of gender dysphoria treatment to minors across the nation.  In response, the state of California has become […]

The Vaping Epidemic Among America’s Teens

The use of e-cigarettes, or vapes, among teens has become so widespread and so troubling that the Food and Drug Administration has started to take drastic action to counter the trend. Last September, the FDA ordered five brands—Juul, Vuse, MarkTen, blu e-cigs, and Logic—to submit plans to address teen use of their products within 60 […]

The Butterfly Effect in Recovery

By Andrew Finley, LMFT Newton’s Third Law of Physics states, “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” Scientifically, this is true, but in the recovery profession we deal with far more than the physical plane. In our world, we have seen the possibility of our actions causing immense, even global reactions that […]

Parentification Trauma: Working with Families and the Child

By Jennifer Golick, PhD, LMFT, Clinical Director, Muir Wood What is a Parentified Child? A parentified child is a term used to describe a child who takes on the responsibility of caring for their parent or family. This can happen when a parent is absent, unavailable, or unable to care for themselves or their family. […]

It’s Red Ribbon Week: Be Drug Free!

by Michael Rass The 2015 Red Ribbon Week kicked off on Friday. The annual drug awareness campaign began in 1985 in response to the brutal murder of DEA Agent Enrique “Kiki” Camarena. He had been working undercover in Mexico where his efforts helped discover a multimillion dollar narcotics manufacturing operation in Chihuahua. Camarena’s identity became […]

More and More Teens Exposed to E-Cigarette Ads, Says Study

The jury is still out in determining whether or not the use of e-cigarettes can be helpful to those who are attempting to quit smoking, but because the devices still contain a hefty amount of nicotine, they are still not safe and can lead to nicotine addiction in those who are not already dependent. Teens […]

Top 10 Questions You Should Ask Your Son’s Drug Rehab

A good rehab is hard to find, especially when the patient is a teenage boy. There are so few programs dedicated only to providing addiction treatment for teenagers, let alone teen boys specifically, and yet it is imperative that a boy struggling with substance abuse get treatment that is tailor-made for his level of development […]

Summer Institute: A Bird’s-Eye View

By Ben Spencer, Teacher and Academic Director (Google+) This summer, the Muir Wood Learning Center offers Summer Institute, a curriculum that contains a course on world geography and the World Cup, a course on the hero’s journey, and cross training, which encompasses the physical activity students do on a weekly basis. World Geography & the […]

Could Your Son Get “Tricked” Into Using Heroin?

According to Oprah, the answer to that question is a sad and resounding “yes.” Kids across America are being tricked into using heroin and inadvertently developing deadly addictions as a result. It seems unbelievable. How could it happen? Is someone slipping it into an unsuspecting teen’s drink? Are they lacing candy with it? Experimentation Gone […]

How to Plant the Seeds of Hope in Teens

By Ben Spencer, Teacher and Academic Director (Google+) At the end of last week, I had a chance to sit down with Jason Lechner, Muir Wood’s Program Director of the Intensive Outpatient Program. Jason also acts as the Primary Therapist for the Residential Program. During our conversation, I filled Jason in on the academic program […]

Questions to Ask Your Teen About Alcohol and Drug Use

Talking to your teen about substance abuse doesn’t just mean lecturing him on the risks of getting high or driving while intoxicated. Though it is important to share this kind of information with your children from a relatively early age, monologues will do little to sway your son’s choices in behavior. Instead of talking at […]

Impulse Control, Dangerous Choices, and Your Son

Why is it that your son is excited by dangerous situations while you – and even him, when he was younger – shied away from anything fear-inducing? According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, it may be a biological issue. A recent study supports the idea that teens react more impulsively when […]

NIDA Offers Teen Substance Abuse Info via Mobile App

There’s an app for that! Courtesy of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), an app is now available to anyone interested in finding out more about the use of illicit substances of all kinds as well as their effects and how abuse of these drugs—and addiction—can be life-changing. You can also get a number […]

Social Media and Teens’ Photos: Are They Influencing Your Son’s Choices?

When it comes to your child’s online activity, you already have plenty to worry about. You have to worry about whether or not your underage youngster is talking to someone much older, someone who might not have the best intentions in mind, and you have to hope your child isn’t being cyber-bullied or visiting offensive […]

Liquid Meth: Deadly Teen Drug

Drug cartels are always looking for new ways to sneak illegal drugs across the border, and with the increased rate of production of crystal meth in Mexico, they are getting increasingly creative. One of the newest ways has put the “drug mules,” or those who are forced or hired to carry the drugs across the […]

Schools Promote Substance-Free Social Events

With autumn comes back-to-school dances for high schools and all the temptations that can coincide with teen social events—whether or not they are school-sponsored. What does this mean for your teen? In many cases, it can mean exposure to drugs and alcohol and one of their first opportunities to drink or get high in a […]

Community Can Positively Impact Teens on Substance Abuse Front

Not sure if neighborhood or community matters when it comes to your teen’s stability in terms of drug and alcohol use? Think again. A new study published in the American Journal of Public Health found that teenagers who live in a community that provides them positive experiences and interactions may be less inclined to abuse […]