Muir Wood therapist, David Laing

Selecting a Family Mediator

A woman with blond hair pulled back and wearing glasses holds a green folder open and a pencil in one hand.When you prepare to stage an intervention for your substance-abusing teen to make it clear that the last line in the sand has been crossed and it’s now time to begin the work of serious addiction treatment, you will be most effective in your efforts when you choose a family mediator. Why? A family mediator can offer a number of benefits to those last few days and the last hour before your son leaves for treatment that can echo for years to come. They include:

  • Helping to plan the intervention, answering questions, and educating all participants on what to do and what not to do
  • Running the intervention itself
  • Providing an objective third-party perspective that can eliminate some of the hostility and blame
  • Providing a voice of redirection when anyone gets off topic or makes unhealthy or unproductive comments
  • Helping your son to recognize that his issues with drugs and alcohol are not a fault and rehab is not a punishment but that he needs medical treatment to get better
  • Helping to frame your intentions, goals, and hopes for your son’s recovery in a positive light
  • Ensuring that participants remain firm in their resolve to help your son and don’t “let him off the hook” at the last minute and agree to allow him to avoid treatment
  • Escorting your son to drug rehab

If you would like more information about how we can help you connect with the right family mediator for your family, contact us at Muir Wood today or speak to a counselor about how you can get your son through the door when he is unwilling to go to rehabilitation.

What to Expect From Your Family Mediator

Planning an intervention and preparing to send your son to a rehab program can be an intensely emotional experience. Your family mediator should be able to assist you with every step of the process to take as much burden off your shoulders as possible. You have been responsible for managing a family as at least one member has sunk slowly into addiction, and it’s been a long, hard road. It’s likely that your nerves are frayed and very little has been done in the way of maintaining your emotional and mental health. When you opt to bring a family mediator into the intervention experience and help you with the process of transitioning your family into the treatment period, you can focus your attention on taking care of yourself, loving your son, and aiding your other children and your partner as you prepare for the intervention.

Essentially, you can expect your family mediator to take away the stress of planning the intervention and dealing with a potentially belligerent child, allowing you to focus instead on taking care of yourself and your family.

Choosing the Right Family Mediator for Your Family

The right mediator for your family will be able to:

  • Answer your questions about interventions and treatment and help you to prepare for what to expect along the way
  • Let you know in a clear and concise manner exactly what he or she needs from you in order to make the intervention a success
  • Be firm and focused in helping participants to be a productive part of the intervention
  • Let you know if you or someone else should not be present at the intervention
  • Help you determine what you will say to your addicted teen during the intervention
  • Help you if you need assistance in putting together a bag for your son to take to treatment
  • Answering questions that teachers may have if they are providing an independent education plan (IEP) for your son to work on while he is in rehab
  • Helping to manage issues of aggression or violent behavior from your addicted son
  • Answer your questions about your role in your son’s recovery and how soon you will be able to talk to him or see him after he begins treatment if they will be responsible for escorting him to rehab

You may be encouraged to have a conversation with your family mediator on the phone prior to his or her arrival to begin the process. Let your family mediator know what you need to feel comfortable and be open and honest in all communication.

Connect With a Family Mediator Today

At Muir Wood, we can connect you with a family mediator who can assist you in the process of helping your son transition safely and successfully into our teen rehabilitation program here in Sonoma County. Contact us today to ask questions or to begin the process of recovery for your child.