Muir Wood therapist, David Laing

Understanding Teen Hormones

If you have a teenager going through puberty, you probably understand what the word “tumultuous” really means. Having an adolescent going through puberty isn’t an easy task but neither is going through it firsthand. We’ve all experienced the big transition back in our adolescent lives but sometimes we forget what it’s really like to experience […]

Teaching Self-Esteem to Your Teen

In the eyes of a parent, a child might be physically beautiful, emotionally generous and intensely intelligent. When that child looks in the mirror, however, the teen might see only bumps and flaws, and the teen might have additional concerns regarding intelligence and social interactions. Teens are often the harshest judges of their own capabilities, […]

A Teen’s Developing Brain

Sometimes teenagers can seem like different beings altogether. Some might say they’re over-reactive, dramatic, and impulsive. Is that true? Well, yes and no. It is true that teenagers and adolescents can often behave flagrantly and emotionally. Adolescents simply have different brain chemistry that hasn’t fully formed into adult brains yet. Brain Terminology Scientists say that […]