Muir Wood therapist, David Laing

The Role of Medication in Treating a Dual Diagnosis

Drug addiction comes in many forms, If your child suffers from a dual diagnosis disorder and has been abusing prescription medication, it may be of concern as to whether he can receive effective treatment in the form of medications. An individual who suffers from anxiety, for instance, may – under normal circumstances – receive a […]

Teen PTSD and Addiction

What Is PTSD? Post-traumatic stress disorder occurs in an estimated 7.8 percent of the population, per the Nebraska Department of Veteran’s Affairs. According to Psych Central, PTSD belongs to the classification of “Trauma and Stress-related Disorders” in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Most often, it follows witnessing a traumatizing event that instills […]

Most Common Co-Occurring Disorders in Adolescents

A co-occurring disorder is actually made up of two distinct conditions: a mental health illness or disorder and University of Iowa, the research specific to teens who suffer from dual diagnosis conditions reveals several common aspects, such as: The severity of the drug problem is often a factor in the presence of a co-occurring disorder. […]

How Is Co-Occurring Disorder Treated Differently?

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the number one governing principle for effective treatment is that everything about your child’s treatment plan, from the setting to the services provided, should match your son’s needs. In this regard, your son’s co-occurring disorder isn’t necessarily treated differently than someone with an addiction disorder that does […]


Comorbidity: A merger of Mental Illness and Addiction Teens who suffer from addiction may also be suffering from mental illness. In such cases, both issues need to be treated. An addiction can leave a teen feeling amazingly out of control. Thoughts of drugs pass across the teen’s mind all day, and the night might be […]