Muir Wood therapist, David Laing


Marijuana Anonymous: Support for Teens

Marijuana Anonymous, or MA, isn’t just for adults who are battling cannabis addiction. This 12-step group also welcomes teenagers who have a problem with marijuana and who want to stop using. Through meetings with other marijuana users and the guidance of a sponsor, teenagers can overcome the trap of addiction and regain their hope for […]

FAQ Marijuana Rehab for Teen Boys

Marijuana rehab for teen boys is becoming more important. Teens who use marijuana are at greater risk of negative effects and developing marijuana use disorder than previous generations due to the availability of high-potency marijuana products.  Is Inpatient or Outpatient Care Best? The answer to this question depends on the preferences and circumstances of the […]

Parent’s Guide to Edible Marijuana Abuse

Edible marijuana products have been legalized for adult use in many states and have become more diverse and available. Smoking marijuana isn’t the only way that teens can abuse this drug. As the popularity of cannabis products grows, edible products containing the active chemicals in marijuana are becoming widely available to young people. Any food […]

Butane Honey Oil

Butane honey oil is a potent extract of cannabis that can produce an intense rush, even in long-time marijuana users. Also known as “BHO,” “hash oil,” “dabs,” “errl” or “wax,” this drug has a high concentration of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the active chemical in marijuana. When smoked, vaporized or ingested orally, butane honey oil acts rapidly […]

What to Expect at Rehab

Learn what to expect at rehab. In a study published in the journal Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, researchers found that of adolescents who entered hospitals due to substance abuse or dependence, over 50 percent had no documentation regarding subsequent treatment. It’s unclear why these teens weren’t given follow-up care, but it’s possible that […]

Teen Addiction Recovery Statistics

When you first confront the reality that your teenager is addicted to drugs or alcohol, the future may seem bleak and frightening. You probably wonder whether your teen has any real hope of recovering, or whether he or she will end up caught in a cycle of substance abuse and rehab. But statistics suggest that […]

Residential Rehab Centers

Residential rehab centers provide safe, positive enironments and comprehensive evidence-based care. Parents work hard to provide a loving, safe and supportive home for their children, filled with all the things they’ll need in order to grow into happy, well-adjusted adults. Most parents hope that their children will stay within the home with no breaks until […]

Questions to Ask a Prospective Treatment Program

A treatment program should address the needs of its patient population and offers specialized and invividualized therapies. Experts at the National Institute on Drug Abuse suggest that addicted people need three months of treatment or more in order to truly leave substance abuse behind. As a result, parents who are seeking care for their addicted […]

Paying for Treatment

Paying for treatment can sometimes be a concern for families. As an in-network provider with Anthen, Aetna, Cigna, and Kaiser, Muir Wood is making high-quality care more affordable for familes. Once parents understand and accept the fact that their teens will need help in order to overcome an addiction, and that the help is best […]

Inpatient vs. Outpatient Drug Rehab

Treating an addiction isn’t a straightforward process, as people with addictions may differ from one another in many ways both large and small. It’s reasonable, however, to assume that people who have longer histories of addiction and more complex physical and mental health issues will need more intensive care. Those who have issues that aren’t […]

Does Your Teen Need Addiction Treatment?

  Does my teen needs addiction treatment? “It could never, ever happen to my child.” That’s a statement thousands of American parents make each and every day when they’re asked about the possibility of addiction in their children. It’s a reassuring thought, but it’s also a far cry from true. According to the National Center […]

Dangers of Going Untreated

Obtaining help for a teen’s substance abuse issue isn’t easy. Parents might worry about what friends, neighbors and family members might say when the news of the addiction comes to light. Parents might also worry about the cost of care, and the impact that treatment for the addiction might have on other members of the […]

Benefits of Extended Care (90 Days)

Recovery from addiction is a gradual process, even for the most active, energetic teens. In the past, 30-day treatment programs were the gold standard for rehab, but more recent clinical research has shown that 90-day extended care programs are more effective. Teens who stay in rehab for longer periods have time to acquire coping skills, […]

5 Tips on Being Successful During Drug Rehab

Drug rehab is a pivotal point in the life of many teenage boys. As he attempts to make the transition from a self-destructive life to a positive, fulfilling future, your son will need 100 percent of your emotional support. He’ll also need help from addiction professionals who specialize in treating adolescents with substance use disorders. […]

What to Expect at Teen Alcohol Rehab

For a lot of teens, the prospect of going to rehab is frightening or intimidating. They may think of an addiction treatment center as a place where they’ll be isolated from their families while they’re forced through detox and rehabilitation. They might visualize a rehab facility as a place where teenagers are held against their […]

My Teen Doesn’t Think He Has a Problem. Will Alcohol Treatment Work?

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, more than 70 percent of teens have had at least one drink by the time they reach age 18. Since this abuse is so common, it’s not surprising that many teens with very persistent cases of addiction simply don’t believe they have a problem. Everywhere they turn, […]

Alcohol Rehab Statistics

Alcohol is one of the most commonly abused drugs among males and females between the ages of 12 and 20, and when teenagers consume alcohol, they often drink to get drunk. Binge drinking, which is defined as the consumption of four to five drinks within two hours or less, is a common practice among teens […]

Who Offers Drug Detox for Teens?

Drug detox for teens with certain substance use disorders can be a necessary first step in treatment. Healing from an addiction often takes place in a step-by-step format, with each movement building on the movement that took place in the past. help that a drug detox program can provide. Here, they’ll have access to medical […]

Managing Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

Alcohol withdrawal symptoms can be scary to parents and to teens who do not realize that drinking habits have reached such an excessive level that stopping alcohol intake will cause your child to feel ill. Unfortunately, it’s a sign of physical alcohol dependence and a serious issue with alcohol abuse and addiction that requires immediate […]

Assisted Alcohol Detox vs. Detoxing at Home

Alcohol can make teens feel silly, happy and giddy. When a few hours have passed, however, these teens might feel as though their bodies have completely returned to normal. They can walk in a straight line, talk coherently and pass even the most stringent breath test for alcohol. But deep inside the cells of the […]

Alcoholics Anonymous for Teens

On an average day, 76 teens enter treatment programs due to alcoholism, according to the Office of Applied Studies. As part of the care they receive in rehab, teens are often asked to participate in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). It’s an important part of therapy, but teens and their parents may not quite understand how AA […]

Teen Support Groups

During the teenage years, young people are highly sensitive to the opinions and attitudes of their peers. Peer pressure is one of the strongest influences that drive teens to abuse drugs and alcohol, but when it’s turned in a positive direction, this powerful force can also help young people stay sober. According to Substance Abuse […]

Can My Teen Attend Outpatient Treatment While in School?

Many parents justify postponing the enrollment of their child in a treatment program out of concern that they will fall behind academically. The truth is that waiting to enroll your child in treatment when it’s clear that substance abuse is an issue can cause them to miss out on far more academically – and invite […]

Outpatient Services for Your Teen

Outpatient services play an important role in the continuum of care in rehab. While inpatient treatment is the best option for teenagers who need acute detox services or intensive supervision, outpatient care may be the right choice for low-risk teens. Comprehensive addiction treatment programs offer a full spectrum of recovery resources, from inpatient treatment and […]

Meditation in Recovery

Meditation is one of a number of for those in recovery from alcohol and drug abuse or dependence. Teens, too, can reap the benefits of opening the connections between mental health, physical health, and spirituality through mindful meditation as they learn new positive coping skills in treatment. Addiction Recovery The teenage years are a stressful […]

Is It Worth Getting a Sober Companion for Your Teen?

A sober companion can benefit teens in recovery. Adolescents often benefit from programs in which they’re provided with very specific phrases they can use Preventive Medicine found that teens provided with education about the effects of addiction, along with scripts they could use when offered addictive substances, were able to delay the age at which […]

How Can I Help My Teen Stay Sober?

Teens graduate from drug rehab with a whole new set of coping skills and resources to help them stay sober. Yet in the months following rehab, teenagers are extremely vulnerable to a relapse. According to the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Institute at the University of Washington, up to 71 percent of teenagers who attended rehab […]

Find a Sponsor

In 12-step programs, the sponsor plays a vital role in a member’s recovery. A sponsor is a seasoned member of the group who has completed the 12 steps with the help of his own sponsor. He is now ready to take on the responsibility of guiding newcomers through the process. Sponsorship is both a service […]

Drug Testing Your Teen

Before making the decision to administer tests at home, however, it’s important to consider the potential dangers and risks. Many experts and school officials are skeptical as to the efficacy of drug tests. The American Academy of Pediatrics knows that drug testing does not come without risk; it can damage the relationship between parent and […]

Strategies for Avoiding Post-Rehab Relapse

Avoiding relapse is the greatest challenge that your teen will face after graduating from rehab. Completing an addiction treatment program doesn’t mean that the graduate is free from the influence of drugs, alcohol or addictive behaviors. In fact, statistics indicate that relapse is to be expected among teens who finish rehab. The National Institute on […]

Alumni Programs for Teenagers

After completing an addiction treatment program, teens should never feel that they’ve been left to fend for themselves. Alumni programs continue to provide support for rehab graduates for years after they’ve left the facility and established new lives in sobriety. When you’re comparing treatment programs for your teen, look for a facility that offers a […]

The Role of Medication in Treating a Dual Diagnosis

Drug addiction comes in many forms, If your child suffers from a dual diagnosis disorder and has been abusing prescription medication, it may be of concern as to whether he can receive effective treatment in the form of medications. An individual who suffers from anxiety, for instance, may – under normal circumstances – receive a […]

Teen PTSD and Addiction

What Is PTSD? Post-traumatic stress disorder occurs in an estimated 7.8 percent of the population, per the Nebraska Department of Veteran’s Affairs. According to Psych Central, PTSD belongs to the classification of “Trauma and Stress-related Disorders” in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Most often, it follows witnessing a traumatizing event that instills […]

Most Common Co-Occurring Disorders in Adolescents

A co-occurring disorder is actually made up of two distinct conditions: a mental health illness or disorder and University of Iowa, the research specific to teens who suffer from dual diagnosis conditions reveals several common aspects, such as: The severity of the drug problem is often a factor in the presence of a co-occurring disorder. […]

How Is Co-Occurring Disorder Treated Differently?

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the number one governing principle for effective treatment is that everything about your child’s treatment plan, from the setting to the services provided, should match your son’s needs. In this regard, your son’s co-occurring disorder isn’t necessarily treated differently than someone with an addiction disorder that does […]

When Regular Use Leads to Prescription Drug Abuse

Prescription drug abuse can start for teens when they or another family member are written a legitimate prescription by their family doctor. Without proper supervision or secure storage of medications, teens may be tempted to experiment with the use of these prescription pills and inadvertently develop an addiction or, worse, overdose. The results can be […]

Long-Term Effects & Health Risks of Prescription Drug Abuse in Teens

There are a number of different kinds of prescription drugs that are highly addictive and have the potential for abuse. These include opiate painkillers (e.g., OxyContin, hydrocodone), central nervous system depressants (long-term users of prescription drugs will risk health problems that include: Organ damage and failure, especially to the kidneys and liver Tolerance to the […]

Identifying Prescription Pills

“It’s not mine, Mom.” “I don’t know what it is, Dad. I’ve never seen it before.” These are likely the answers you’ll get if you find miscellaneous and unidentified pills in your son’s belongings. It can leave you in a nerve-wracking predicament. How do you figure out what type of pills your son is using? […]

Alternatives to Habit-Forming Prescription Drugs

According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, alternative medicine is an approach to one’s physical care that is used to replace the Western, pharmaceutical medicines that many American turn to as a first choice for their care. If an individual has […]

Warning Signs Your Teen Is Abusing Heroin

Heroin abuse infects every layer of your son’s life so the signs that indicate your teen is abusing heroin can include a wide range of telltale issues. From health concerns to changes in social choices and problems at home and at school, the signs of addiction are a parent’s first indication that their child needs […]

The Use of Medications in Heroin Treatment

Heroin abuse and heroin addiction are spreading rapidly amongst teens. Due to a rise in prescription drug experimentation, many teens develop an unexpected physical dependence upon opiates and are unable to keep up with the cost of buying pills on the black market. As a result, they turn to the cheaper and more accessible alternative […]

The Effects of Heroin on Adolescent Brain Development

According to an article published by CNN, the adolescent brain is in a developing state that won’t be complete until your son reaches the age of 25 or thereabouts. The frontal lobe, specifically, is not yet formed. Unfortunately, this is the part of the brain that is responsible for his ability to make informed, rational […]

Health Concerns of Prolonged Heroin Use

Heroin use and abuse are dangerous for a number of reasons, but the health concerns related to use of the drug are deadly – both the acute and chronic issues risked. Depending upon the method of ingestion, additional health risks may be a concern for users as well. Also, the effects of heroin abuse are […]

Getting Help for a Teen Heroin Addict

Heroin was available over the counter and used to treat myriad conditions in both adults and children in the United States, according to Narconon, an organization that provides self-help 12-step programs for individuals suffering from drug addiction. Even though heroin was made illegal in 1920, it was a significant problem throughout the 20th century. The […]

Teen Marijuana Use Statistics

Marijuana can be a complicated subject. While marijuana is still classified as a Schedule I controlled substance and illegal according to the federal government, some states have legalized the use of marijuana for medical purposes. Two states, Colorado and Washington, have legalized the use of marijuana for over-the-counter, recreational use for individuals over the age […]

Synthetic Marijuana Overdose

Synthetic marijuana has been around since the early 2000s, but the number of people abusing it has increased significantly in the past few years. The drug is growing in popularity among all age groups, but it has gained the most territory among teens and 20-somethings. In fact, new varieties of it are springing up with […]