Teen is Distress

FAQ on Teen Drug Addiction

Whether or not you suspect that your teenager has a drug problem, you probably have questions about how the disease of addiction affects teens. Adolescence is an extremely vulnerable time in a young person’s life. Inexperienced teens can become chemically dependent or addicted to drugs or alcohol before they even realize that they’re in danger. […]

Signs of Spice Abuse

Keeping up with the latest trends in drug abuse among teens can be challenging for parents. One of the newest drugs available to teenagers is “spice,” the street name for a synthetic plant-based product that produces psychoactive effects in users. Spice consists of a blend of dried herbs treated with a mixture of chemicals, including […]

Who Needs Treatment for Ecstasy Abuse?

Ecstasy, otherwise known as 3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine or MDMA, is a synthetic substance sold in pill form that was made popular in the early 1990s at all-night dance parties called “raves.” Providing a stimulant, “feel good” effect on its users, Ecstasy is often referred to as the “love” drug because many users describing feeling a sense of […]

Risks of Ecstasy Overdose

Often called the “happy pill” or the “love drug,” Ecstasy effects can be far from warm and fuzzy. The drug is a synthetic substance created on the black market and sold in different formulations, each one containing different amounts of its active ingredient, 3,4-methylenedioxymeth-amphetamine or MDMA, and other substances, which means that no two pills […]

Ecstasy Effect on Decision Making & Impulsivity in Teens

Though many have viewed the use of Ecstasy, or 3,4-methylendioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), as harmless due to its “feel good” effects on the user, research has come out demonstrating that it is in fact exceedingly damaging to cognitive ability. Additionally, impulse control was also negatively impacted by use of the drug, and decision-making abilities specifically were impaired. […]

Related to Cocaine Use

Depending upon the method of ingestion, your teen may possess or reference in conversation with friends a number of different paraphernalia items in the use of crack and/or cocaine. In most cases, these items are not purchased but instead are everyday items that are repurposed for drug use and abuse. The use of everyday items […]

The Not-So-Typical Ways Teens Get Drunk

Laws National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, and while the restrictions vary from state to state, most communities require young people to abstain from either purchasing or ingesting alcohol until they reach age 21. By this time, the thinking goes, young people have reached an age at which they’re better able to control their […]

The Harmful Effects of Caffeinated Alcoholic Beverages

Combining alcohol with caffeine isn’t new, as anyone who has slurped down a cup of Irish coffee can attest. But there’s a new kind of drink being sold in some convenience stores, and it blends remarkably high amounts of caffeine with similarly U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 31 percent of youth ages 12 […]

Teenage Drunk Driving

Teenage drunk driving is an extremely dangerous problem that can lead to devastating consequences. For teens, a driver’s license is a ticket to freedom. Instead of asking parents and friends for rides to far-flung places, they can simply slide behind the wheel, fire up the engine and motor to their destination without a care in […]

Teen Drinking Statistics

Even though national statistics show that alcohol abuse in teens has declined in recent years, the frequency of abuse and the amount of the drug consumed still exceed most other substances, reports the National Institute on Drug Abuse. For example, in 2013, nearly 13 percent of 10th graders and 26 percent of 12th graders reported […]

Teen Drinking Games

But as the public becomes more aware of the health risks of binge drinking, parents and educators are becoming more concerned about these activities. Drinking games encourage young people to consume large quantities of alcohol within a short period of time, putting them at risk of alcohol poisoning. Other risks of binge drinking include: Accidental […]

How Alcohol Affects a Teen’s Developing Brain

Prevention efforts across the country have been in full force for decades to promote the knowledge that drinking and driving is deadly. Teenagers, specifically, have been targeted with this campaign in an effort to decrease the number of teen lives lost to drunk driving accidents. But is alcohol use during the teen years any more […]

Understanding Dextromethorphan Abuse in Teens

Cough Syrup Abuse Even teens who normally wouldn’t dream of touching illegal drugs will often experiment with cough syrup, falsely believing that because the product doesn’t even require a prescription, it can’t possibly be harmful. Dextromethorphan (DXM) is a common over-the-counter medication that can relieve a persistent cough. However, unlike most over-the-counter meds, dextromethorphan is […]

Drug and Substance Abuse

Teen Substance Abuse: The Difference Between Abuse and Addiction, and How To Treat Both “My child has a substance abuse problem.” It’s a sentence no parent would want to utter, yet drug abuse and alcohol abuse seem to be prevalent throughout the country. For example, the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia […]

A Parent’s Guide to Understanding Rohypnol Abuse

What is Rohypnol Abuse? A secret Rohypnol abuse issue could be devastating to a teen, and the problem could go on for years before parents are even aware that a problem is in place. Studies, such as one published in the journal Addictive Behaviors, suggest that teens living in urban areas have higher rates of […]

A Parent’s Guide for Understanding Teen Opioid Abuse

Teen Heroin Abuse: How Parents Can Handle The Epidemic Parents might feel as though heroin abuse would never take place between the walls of their home, as their children are provided with so many opportunities and so much pampering that they’d never be driven to use this powerful drug. As a result, many parents remain […]

Teens and LSD Abuse: Signs, Risks, and Treatment Options

LSD Abuse in Teens It’s possible that teens are finding LSD less dangerous because they also find it fun. But abuse can have long lasting consequences. Lysergic acid diethylamide, commonly known as LSD or plain “acid,” is a drug that seems custom-made for teenagers. The drug is placed on tiny sheets of paper printed with […]

Understanding the Dangers of Inhalant Abuse

Inhalant Abuse: The Legal High With Permanent Consequences While many drugs of abuse could cause death if they’re used repeatedly at very high doses, inhalants are one of the only classes of drug that could kill on the very first attempt, even if the dose seems low. Solvents, paint and fuels are designed to make […]

Teen Alcohol Abuse: Signs, Symptoms, and Impact

Teenage Alcohol Abuse: Where it Begins and How to Treat it In the United States, it’s illegal for those younger than 21 to buy or purchase alcohol. That law has been in place for decades, and it’s designed to keep young people away from very dangerous substances that could harm them. Even so, young adults […]

Designer Drug Abuse

Teen Designer Drug Abuse: The Drugs Teens Are Abusing That You’ve Never Heard of The makers of designer drugs study the chemical formulations of known addictive substances and they tweak the formulas just a little bit, ensuring that the products they’re developing are just as effective as the banned substance, but just different enough that […]

Recognizing Cocaine Abuse in Teens & How to Find Help

Teen Cocaine Abuse: How Cocaine Effects Your Teen and How To Find Help Cocaine is a controlled substance that’s been considered illegal for recreational use for decades. Even so, it’s a drug that’s remarkably easy for most users to find. Cocaine is a versatile drug that can be snorted, ingested, injected and even smoked. It’s […]

Teen Marijuana Abuse: Symptoms & Impact

Teen Marijuana Abuse: The Effects of Marijuana Abuse and How To Talk To Your Teen About Them Marijuana isn’t the most expensive drug on the market, which makes it attractive for teens who don’t have large amounts to spend, but research suggests that marijuana is so common among teens that most users don’t pay anything […]

The Growing Epidemic of Adolescent Cannabis Dependency

A Physician’s Perspective By David E. Smith, MD, FASAM (Past President American Society of Addiction Medicine & current Chair of Addiction Medicine, Muir Wood Adolescent & Family Services) Marijuana—or cannabis—is by far the most widely used illicit drug in the United States (SAMHSA, 2011). In the past few years, marijuana use by teens has been […]

What is the Biggest Risk Factor for Teen Ecstasy Abuse?

Researchers are always looking for identifiers that can predict substance abuse, and a new study published in the journal Substance Use & Misuse found that the single largest risk factor for Ecstasy use among 12th graders is use of other drugs. The study also noted that: About 4.4 percent of 12th graders reported use of […]

Obama’s Past to Guide Teens on Marijuana. Should You Do It?

President Barack Obama has famously opened up about his use of marijuana while in high school in Hawaii. Now that his term is coming to an end and the opinions of marijuana use are changing publicly and legislatively, he’s taking the opportunity to use his story to reach teenagers. As a cautionary tale and a […]

Teens With Autism at Risk for Alcohol Abuse, Addiction, Says Study

Teenagers who are living with autistic characteristics and/or ADHD may be more likely to abuse alcohol reports a new study at Washington University in St. Louis. For some parents, this may seem counterintuitive. Since most people on the autism spectrum struggle with social interactions and alcohol is primarily a social drug during the teen years, […]

Is Your Son Getting Pro-Marijuana Tweets?

Advertisements may not be able to overtly sell illicit substances to children on TV or in magazines, but a new study published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research says that a number of American young people in their teens and early 20s are receiving pro-marijuana messages on Twitter multiple times a day. Previous research […]

Minimum Drinking Age of 21 Works, Says Study

Every so often, there are stirrings from some groups who hope to lobby for lowering the legal drinking age in the United States. Currently, the legal drinking age is 21 years old, but some believe it should be lowered to age 18, the same age that Americans can vote or enlist in the military. However, […]

What Should Your Teen Know About Drugs and Alcohol?

It’s a confusing time to be a teenager. Parents and teachers are attempting to educate teens on the dangers of using drugs and alcohol while governments are legalizing marijuana for recreational use, and supposed “legal highs” provided by synthetic substances are easily found online. New drugs, new laws, and new statistics that highlight the growing […]

Teens Define “Designated Driver” Loosely Says Study

When teens refer to their “designated driver,” they may not mean the same thing as adults. To most people, a designated driver is someone who has agreed to remain completely clean and sober throughout the entire evening and provide transportation for everyone in the group until everyone is safe at home. Unfortunately, Bloomberg News reports […]

Teens, Fraternities, Drinking, and Sex: What You Should Know!

Assault, injury, and death caused by alcohol are the norm for many fraternities across the country, and so too are lawsuits pressing charges on behalf of those harmed. It’s not the isolated incident that many fraternities under pressure would have you believe, but it’s something that rarely makes it into the press. Why? Lots of […]

Marijuana Legalization = Increased Teen Pot Use, Says Study

Proponents of legalization often assure those who are concerned about how the legalization of marijuana will impact teens that there will be limitations put into place to protect teens from accessing marijuana when it is legalized. Many push for restrictions on marketing marijuana to kids as well. However, despite the best efforts of law enforcement […]

Recommended Interventions Are Having an Impact on Underage Drinking

For years, the surgeon general has been advising parents to do a number of different things to help their teens when underage alcohol abuse becomes an issue. Researchers at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) are backing up these recommendations with the results of a study that they recently published in the […]

Who’s Buying Alcohol for Your Son?

Though it may seem like a joke, a movie ploy or an outdated practice, random strangers purchasing alcohol for teenagers is not a rare event. In fact, undercover cops regularly bust adults who give into the pleas of teens who beg strangers to buy beer for them. In doing this, the hope is that the […]

Unlikely Heroin Addicts: Teen Deaths Are Shocking the Nation

Unshaven. Skinny. Desperate. Wild-eyed. Usually depicted as homeless, a criminal, in jail or on his way to being arrested, the stereotypical junkie has always been defined by popular media as an urban outcast, a down-on-his-luck middle-aged white male. For years, this mythical villain was one of the many reasons that parents fled the cities and […]

Teen Substance Use: Cigarettes vs Alcohol vs Marijuana

Tracking drug and alcohol use among teens is the purpose of a number of different surveys and research studies each year. This year, the Center for Substance Abuse Research at the University of Maryland at College Park released a study that looked at the changes in drug and alcohol use among teens from the 1970s […]

Underage Drinking at All-Time High During Summer Months

Summer is coming, and with it comes a ton of risks for teens. One of the most significant risks is underage drinking, an issue that is always a problem but one that increases exponentially during the summer months. In fact, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s NSDUH Report found that first-time use of […]

Drug Testing Is Out, and Clear Boundaries and Respect Are In

Over the past couple years, there has been much debate about mandatory drug testing among adolescents and teens in public schools. Some have attempted to require that all would-be athletes be tested for drugs prior to trying out for different teams while others have implemented random drug testing for all students. Many parents have rebelled, […]

One in Ten Teens Reports Abusing Prescription Painkillers

The US Department of Health and Human Services reports that about one in ten teenagers say that they’ve abused a sedative or a prescription painkiller (e.g., OxyContin, Percocet, Lorcet) without a prescription and for non-medical use. These data are based on information culled through a survey of 2,100+ young people under the age of 20 […]

Does Legalized Marijuana Put the Drug in the Hands of Teens?

It’s a concern that weighs heavily on the minds of parents and legislators across the country as more and more states move to legalize marijuana for more than just medicinal use: Will the drug more often fall into the hands of teens and, as a result, create higher rates of teen drug abuse? According to […]

Binge Drinking in College: Getting the Problem Under Control

The amount and frequency that college kids drink in the United States is at an all-time high, according to the New York Post, and they blame the problem on a lack of academic requirements for higher education. According to the article, back in 1961 the average college student who attended classes full-time spent about 25 […]

Where Is Your Son Getting Cigarettes and Alcohol?

In every state across the country, it is illegal for kids under the age of 18 to buy cigarettes, just as it is illegal for those under the age of 21 to purchase alcohol. With the updated technology used to create IDs, it is harder and harder for teens to get a hold of one […]