Teen is Distress

Prescription Drug Abuse in Teens

The Different Types of Teen Prescription Drug Abuse Adderall Abuse Adderall is a powerful prescription drug, one that is, unfortunately, often abused by teens and young adults. The somewhat infamous drug is a potent combination of amphetamine and dextroamphetamine, both of which act upon the central nervous system. Adderall is also a substance that many […]

Fentanyl is Killing Record Numbers of Teens in the US

There has been a significant surge in overdose deaths among American adolescents. A new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association points to synthetic opioids, primarily fentanyl, as driving a troubling spike in overdose deaths among teens. According to the research by Friedman, Godvin, Shover, et al., the overdose mortality rate among US adolescents 14–18 […]

The Vaping Epidemic Among America’s Teens

Teen vaping — the use of e-cigarettes, or vapes, among teens, has become so widespread and so troubling that the Food and Drug Administration has started to take drastic action to counter the trend. Last September, the FDA ordered five brands—Juul, Vuse, MarkTen, blu e-cigs, and Logic—to submit plans to address teen use of their […]

California’s Problematic Cannabis Commercialization

The legalization of recreational marijuana use in California has set off an advertising boom on billboards across the state. They promise “Cannabis, the California Way!” and try to suggest that marijuana can help Californians say goodbye to stress or “get rid of pesky hangovers.” Another billboard promises “unrivaled potency” while asking users to “medicate responsibly.” […]

Codeine (“Purple Drank” or “Lean”)

“That Zan With That Lean”: Adolescent Substance Abuse and the Rap Culture   The current opioid crisis has received much attention in the United States. According to government data, more than 47,000 people were killed by opioids in 2017. Across 52 areas in 45 states opioid overdoses increased by 30 percent from July 2016 through […]

Teen Rehab and Marijuana Use

Teen Rehab for Marijuana Use Disorder This article presents some of the factors associated with teen marijuana use that appear to be driving more and more adolescents into teen treatment of one kind or another. The number of Americans supporting the legalization of the recreational use of marijuana (cannabis) products has been steadily increasing over […]

5 Tips for Success in Prescription Drug Rehab

Choosing a prescription drug rehab can be challenging for some families. Adolescent addiction treatment programs have been specifically designed to deliver big results to teens in need. Young adults who enter these programs with debilitating addictions to prescription drugs can emerge with the skills that can help them to stay sober in the years to […]

Teen Marijuana Rehab Statistics

Marijuana has become one of the most popular drugs of abuse among young people, and according to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, most teens who start using this drug do so during the summer months, when free time is ample and supervision levels are low. Teens who use this drug on a […]

My Son Confessed to Trying Marijuana. Now What Do I Do?

First of all, I want to acknowledge and validate the fact that you have a strong enough relationship with your child that they feel comfortable to come forward and talk to you about this issue. That is a huge hurdle that you have already successfully navigated. Keep the Dialog Going My first piece of advice […]

Parent’s Guide to Edible Marijuana Abuse

Edible marijuana products have been legalized for adult use in many states and have become more diverse and available. Smoking marijuana isn’t the only way that teens can abuse this drug. As the popularity of cannabis products grows, edible products containing the active chemicals in marijuana are becoming widely available to young people. Any food […]

Benefits of Extended Care (90 Days)

Recovery from addiction is a gradual process, even for the most active, energetic teens. In the past, 30-day treatment programs were the gold standard for rehab, but more recent clinical research has shown that 90-day extended care programs are more effective. Teens who stay in rehab for longer periods have time to acquire coping skills, […]

My Teen Doesn’t Think He Has a Problem. Will Alcohol Treatment Work?

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, more than 70 percent of teens have had at least one drink by the time they reach age 18. Since this abuse is so common, it’s not surprising that many teens with very persistent cases of addiction simply don’t believe they have a problem. Everywhere they turn, […]

Alcohol Rehab Statistics

Alcohol is one of the most commonly abused drugs among males and females between the ages of 12 and 20, and when teenagers consume alcohol, they often drink to get drunk. Binge drinking, which is defined as the consumption of four to five drinks within two hours or less, is a common practice among teens […]

When Regular Use Leads to Prescription Drug Abuse

Prescription drug abuse can start for teens when they or another family member are written a legitimate prescription by their family doctor. Without proper supervision or secure storage of medications, teens may be tempted to experiment with the use of these prescription pills and inadvertently develop an addiction or, worse, overdose. The results can be […]

Long-Term Effects & Health Risks of Prescription Drug Abuse in Teens

There are a number of different kinds of prescription drugs that are highly addictive and have the potential for abuse. These include opiate painkillers (e.g., OxyContin, hydrocodone), central nervous system depressants (long-term users of prescription drugs will risk health problems that include: Organ damage and failure, especially to the kidneys and liver Tolerance to the […]

Identifying Prescription Pills

“It’s not mine, Mom.” “I don’t know what it is, Dad. I’ve never seen it before.” These are likely the answers you’ll get if you find miscellaneous and unidentified pills in your son’s belongings. It can leave you in a nerve-wracking predicament. How do you figure out what type of pills your son is using? […]

Alternatives to Habit-Forming Prescription Drugs

According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, alternative medicine is an approach to one’s physical care that is used to replace the Western, pharmaceutical medicines that many American turn to as a first choice for their care. If an individual has […]

Warning Signs Your Teen Is Abusing Heroin

Heroin abuse infects every layer of your son’s life so the signs that indicate your teen is abusing heroin can include a wide range of telltale issues. From health concerns to changes in social choices and problems at home and at school, the signs of addiction are a parent’s first indication that their child needs […]

The Use of Medications in Heroin Treatment

Heroin abuse and heroin addiction are spreading rapidly amongst teens. Due to a rise in prescription drug experimentation, many teens develop an unexpected physical dependence upon opiates and are unable to keep up with the cost of buying pills on the black market. As a result, they turn to the cheaper and more accessible alternative […]

The Effects of Heroin on Adolescent Brain Development

According to an article published by CNN, the adolescent brain is in a developing state that won’t be complete until your son reaches the age of 25 or thereabouts. The frontal lobe, specifically, is not yet formed. Unfortunately, this is the part of the brain that is responsible for his ability to make informed, rational […]

Health Concerns of Prolonged Heroin Use

Heroin use and abuse are dangerous for a number of reasons, but the health concerns related to use of the drug are deadly – both the acute and chronic issues risked. Depending upon the method of ingestion, additional health risks may be a concern for users as well. Also, the effects of heroin abuse are […]

Getting Help for a Teen Heroin Addict

Heroin was available over the counter and used to treat myriad conditions in both adults and children in the United States, according to Narconon, an organization that provides self-help 12-step programs for individuals suffering from drug addiction. Even though heroin was made illegal in 1920, it was a significant problem throughout the 20th century. The […]

Teen Marijuana Use Statistics

Marijuana can be a complicated subject. While marijuana is still classified as a Schedule I controlled substance and illegal according to the federal government, some states have legalized the use of marijuana for medical purposes. Two states, Colorado and Washington, have legalized the use of marijuana for over-the-counter, recreational use for individuals over the age […]

Synthetic Marijuana Overdose

Synthetic marijuana has been around since the early 2000s, but the number of people abusing it has increased significantly in the past few years. The drug is growing in popularity among all age groups, but it has gained the most territory among teens and 20-somethings. In fact, new varieties of it are springing up with […]

Short- and Long-Term Effects of Marijuana Use

Marijuana works by attaching to the cannabinoid receptors in different parts of the brain – namely, the cerebral cortex, the basal ganglia, the cerebellum and the hippocampus. In the short-term, this can negatively impact your child’s ability to learn and retain new knowledge at school, make positive social choices, and if allowed to continue, it […]

Northern California’s Marijuana Problem

Ever since California legalized medical marijuana, there have been plenty of problems and confusing “gray areas” surrounding what constitutes legal and illegal marijuana use and marijuana growth throughout the state. While all counties in California are struggling to understand the legalities surrounding medical marijuana use and growth, the northern part of the state seems to […]

Exploring Marijuana Offshoots & Byproducts

There are a number of different ways to ingest marijuana, and teenagers are among the most creative when it comes to finding new ways to use the drug. In an attempt to concentrate the delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the main ingredient in the plant, some people try to create offshoot substances that are derivatives of marijuana like […]

Marijuana Abuse: The Harm of Going Untreated

If you are the parent of a teenage boy who is abusing marijuana, you may suffer a great amount of stress from the idea that marijuana has often been touted as a “gateway” drug. Is it true that abuse problem with marijuana. The harm of going untreated for the abuse of marijuana is not limited […]

How Does Marijuana Affect the Teenage Brain?

Cannabis is one of the most commonly abused substances among today’s teens, with 30% of surveyed high school seniors saying they’ve used cannabis in the past year. The legalization of marijuana, and its subsequent industrialization, across the country has made it more widely available—today, nearly all 50 states have some level of decriminalization or legalized […]

How Addictive is Marijuana?

“Marijuana is not addictive.” It’s a statement repeated by drug dealers, blog writers, dedicated smokers and neophyte users. While it would be wonderful if this statement were true, science suggests that the statement is false. The 740,800 users who entered treatment programs for marijuana in 2009, according to the Treatment Episode Data Set, might concur. […]

Does Your Teen Need Marijuana Addiction Treatment?

No parent wants to believe that their child is in need of marijuana addiction treatment. Initially, many parents prefer to see marijuana abuse as a one-time thing and – if it continues – a passing phase. But the fact is that if marijuana abuse has turned into marijuana addiction then early intervention and treatment can […]

Dangers of Teens Driving High on Marijuana

How much is too much when it comes to marijuana use and driving? States that have legalized the drug for recreational purposes are still working to come up with a fair and accurate answer to that question that applies to all users across the board – those who smoke the drug regularly and thus have […]

An Extensive List of Marijuana Paraphernalia

Marijuana can be ingested by smoking or by eating it. When it is eaten, the buds of the plant are cooked in a fatty substance like butter to release the THC and then used in the making of a dish – often a baked item, like brownies or cookies. In these cases, there is very […]

Recognize the Signs of Inhalant Abuse

Knowing the signs of inhalant abuse can help identity the need for treatment. According to the Consumer Protection Safety Commission of the United States, inhalant abuse can kill. Not only can it kill, but it can kill instantly and suddenly, even if it is your son’s first time engaging in the abuse. It can kill […]

Paraphernalia of Inhalant Abuse & Treatment for Teens

How Many Teens Use Inhalants According to the National Institutes of Health, approximately 2.4 million people aged 12 or older reported using inhalants in the past 12 months.  An estimated 4.8% of eighth graders, 2% of tenth graders, and almost 2% of twelfth graders reported using inhalants in 2021. Sadly, these numbers are escalating every […]

Health Concerns of Inhalant Abuse

The National Survey on Drug Use and Health reports that more than 2 million adolescents over the age of 12 in the United States abused inhalant substances in 2009. Most popular among teens and adolescents who do not have regular access to alcohol and other drugs of abuse, the drugs in this class are identified […]

Aerosol Inhalant Abuse & Addiction

When teenagers begin to experiment with heroin, meth or cocaine. Young teens are much more likely to start with inexpensive, legal substances that are found around the house. The vapors of everyday aerosol products like spray paint, hairspray, deodorants and air fresheners can be inhaled, or “huffed,” by kids for a mind-altering high. The poisonous […]

When Drug Abuse Becomes Addiction

Adolescence is known as a time of risk-taking and experimentation, and many of these youthful experimentations involve drugs. A lot of teens will try drugs once or twice without ever getting hooked. Some will go on to abuse drugs for a limited period of time, while others will become chemically dependent or addicted. How can […]

The Most Common Drugs Teen Boys Become Addicted To

Protecting a child means scanning the environment, looking for dangers and removing them when possible. That’s why parents of toddlers cover electrical outlets, place bumpers around sharp furniture and gate off stairwell entrances. These steps can keep children away from the dangers contained in the home, but as these youngsters grow, they might be exposed […]

The Link Between STDs & Teen Drug Use: What Parents Should Know

Addiction isn’t the only dangerous side effect of teen drug use. Study after study shows that teenagers who abuse drugs and alcohol have a higher risk of acquiring an STD, or a sexually transmitted disease. For instance, the results of a survey published in Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research showed a higher-than-average rate of alcohol […]

Signs and Symptoms of Substance Abuse

In a busy, high-stress world, parents can’t always be alert to the warning signs of substance abuse. It’s practically impossible to monitor a teenager’s behavior 24 hours a day, and socially active teens may spend much of their time away from home. By educating yourself on the signs and symptoms of drug or alcohol use, […]

Popular Drug Combinations Among Teenagers

Being a teenager can be a confusing and testing time for young men. Many a budding future has come crashing down because of bad choices and poor judgment. While the problems used to be girls, cartoons, or video games, teenage boys today face graver and far more serious threats. The danger goes even beyond simple drug […]

Legal Drugs Teens Abuse to Get High

Did you know that your child doesn’t have to hang out in dark alleys or associate with the “wrong crowd” to abuse drugs? According to the Monitoring the Future survey, the most recent information suggests that more than 20 percent of high school seniors admit to abusing prescription drugs over the course of their lifetimes, […]

How to Identify Drugs

From time to time, every parent on the planet is asked to play the role of detective. Teens can be secretive, and they’re adept at hiding information they know might land them in hot water with the family. Breaking through this wall of deception can be difficult, and sometimes, it means looking for clues that […]

Health Risks of Substance Abuse

Talking with your teenage boy about the health risks of substance abuse may feel like a losing battle. The average teenager is healthy, strong, and ready to face any danger, including the risks of accidental injury, chronic disease or premature death. Although it might be hard to convince your son to take the health risks […]

Drug Street Slang Your Teenager May Use

Every generation of parents feels that their teens are speaking a foreign language. While it’s not always necessary to understand the cryptic terms that your teenagers use in their texts, phone calls or emails, you should be aware of some common street slang for drugs or alcohol. Understanding this aspect of your son’s communications may […]

Dangers of a Drug Overdose

Presumably, people who take in drugs do so because they like the effects the drugs can bring about. They might enjoy the calming, soothing effects of alcohol, for example, or they might enjoy the energy boost that a snort of cocaine can deliver. Some people even take drugs because they dislike the way they feel […]

Who Is at Risk for Drug Addiction?

No teenager is immune to the risk of drug addiction. Substance abuse affects young people from all demographic groups, regardless of their socioeconomic status, gender or ethnicity. However, there are a number of important factors that make certain teenagers more vulnerable to drug abuse than others. Understanding these risk factors can help you identify the […]

Teen Drug Addiction Statistics

Studying the statistics on teen drug addiction can be overwhelming for parents. The scope of Monitoring the Future Survey, a nationwide research project that tracks substance abuse among teens, reports that binge drinking has declined considerably among teens since 1980. In that year, 41 percent of high school seniors reported binge drinking; by 2010, that […]