Muir Wood therapist, David Laing

Alcoholics Anonymous for Teens

On an average day, 76 teens enter treatment programs due to alcoholism, according to the Office of Applied Studies. As part of the care they receive in rehab, teens are often asked to participate in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). It’s an important part of therapy, but teens and their parents may not quite understand how AA […]

Can My Teen Attend Outpatient Treatment While in School?

Many parents justify postponing the enrollment of their child in a treatment program out of concern that they will fall behind academically. The truth is that waiting to enroll your child in treatment when it’s clear that substance abuse is an issue can cause them to miss out on far more academically – and invite […]

Outpatient Services for Your Teen

Outpatient services play an important role in the continuum of care in rehab. While inpatient treatment is the best option for teenagers who need acute detox services or intensive supervision, outpatient care may be the right choice for low-risk teens. Comprehensive addiction treatment programs offer a full spectrum of recovery resources, from inpatient treatment and […]

Meditation in Recovery

Meditation is one of a number of for those in recovery from alcohol and drug abuse or dependence. Teens, too, can reap the benefits of opening the connections between mental health, physical health, and spirituality through mindful meditation as they learn new positive coping skills in treatment. Addiction Recovery The teenage years are a stressful […]

Is It Worth Getting a Sober Companion for Your Teen?

A sober companion can benefit teens in recovery. Adolescents often benefit from programs in which they’re provided with very specific phrases they can use Preventive Medicine found that teens provided with education about the effects of addiction, along with scripts they could use when offered addictive substances, were able to delay the age at which […]

How Can I Help My Teen Stay Sober?

Teens graduate from drug rehab with a whole new set of coping skills and resources to help them stay sober. Yet in the months following rehab, teenagers are extremely vulnerable to a relapse. According to the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Institute at the University of Washington, up to 71 percent of teenagers who attended rehab […]

Find a Sponsor

In 12-step programs, the sponsor plays a vital role in a member’s recovery. A sponsor is a seasoned member of the group who has completed the 12 steps with the help of his own sponsor. He is now ready to take on the responsibility of guiding newcomers through the process. Sponsorship is both a service […]

Drug Testing Your Teen

Before making the decision to administer tests at home, however, it’s important to consider the potential dangers and risks. Many experts and school officials are skeptical as to the efficacy of drug tests. The American Academy of Pediatrics knows that drug testing does not come without risk; it can damage the relationship between parent and […]

Strategies for Avoiding Post-Rehab Relapse

Avoiding relapse is the greatest challenge that your teen will face after graduating from rehab. Completing an addiction treatment program doesn’t mean that the graduate is free from the influence of drugs, alcohol or addictive behaviors. In fact, statistics indicate that relapse is to be expected among teens who finish rehab. The National Institute on […]

Alumni Programs for Teenagers

After completing an addiction treatment program, teens should never feel that they’ve been left to fend for themselves. Alumni programs continue to provide support for rehab graduates for years after they’ve left the facility and established new lives in sobriety. When you’re comparing treatment programs for your teen, look for a facility that offers a […]

The Criticality of a Thoughtful Aftercare Plan

By Brad Waldo, Recovery Counselor When I was 17, I was admitted to an adolescent drug and alcohol treatment in Orange County. After several days, I thoroughly opened up to the help offered to me and dove headfirst into the program. I became “house leader” and was on fire for recovery. On my forty-fifth day […]

Colleges Seek to Provide Support for Teens in Addiction Recovery

The average teen heads off to college with the goal of starting over and building a new life for himself. But a teen with addiction in his past is not average and his start at school may be threatened by a predilection for drug and alcohol abuse. Many colleges understand that teens in recovery are […]