The Benefits of Teen Treatment
A comprehensive mental health and substance use treatment program can help your teen heal from issues that are creating obstacles to his or her ability to live a life of balance, peace, and productivity by providing:
- Detox and medical stabilization that addresses withdrawal symptoms and health issues
- Accurate diagnosis of mental health disorders and/or substance use issues
- Evidence-based treatment that ensures steady progress on all fronts
- Extensive holistic care through outdoor activities that improves physical health while building confidence and autonomy
- Family therapy, education, and support that improves communication skills and helps rebuild relationships that are primary to your child’s ability to succeed in recovery and life
How You Can Help Your Child Succeed in Treatment
Your participation in all family programming is crucial to your teen’s progress in treatment. There are a number of things you can do to make sure that you are the support you want to be in your child’s recovery, including:
- Learn all you can about your teen’s diagnosed substance use and/or any mental health issues
- Thoroughly familiarize yourself with the Family Handbook
- Actively participate in all aspects of our Family Program
- Be available when your teen initiates a conversation
- Be a positive role model
- Care for yourself and your relationships, and encourage other members of your family to do the same
Family Program Participation is Essential
Your involvement in our Family Program will not only help your teen as they work through issues but also aids you and other members of your family in moving forward and healing after living with chaos at home. Without your participation your teen will make far less progress during treatment and after returning home. Our Family Program offers:
- Education that gives you the tools to heal as an individual and as part of a family system
- A safe forum for all to vent frustrations
- An objective bystander to guide conversations
- Therapeutic advice and assistance
- Help improving communication skills
- Goals and therapeutic movement toward family goals